YSI 6820 Multi-Parameter water quality meter. Features/parameters: DO, PH, ORP, Turbidity, Salinity, Depth, Vented Level, TDS, Resistivity, Specific Conductance, Open Channel Flow, RS232 & SDI-12 standard, internal memory, field-replaceable probes.
Rental includes: model 6820 XLM monitoring system, turbidity probe, FTC, probe guard, calibration cup, PC to field power cable, membrane kit, AC adapter, pH/ORP probe, DO probe, conductivity/temperature probe, pressure cap, 8' field cable/Sonde to 650 MDS, user manual and carrying case.
Rental includes: model 6820 XLM monitoring system, turbidity probe, FTC, probe guard, calibration cup, PC to field power cable, membrane kit, AC adapter, pH/ORP probe, DO probe, conductivity/temperature probe, pressure cap, 8' field cable/Sonde to 650 MDS, user manual and carrying case.
- Short Description - YSI Model 6820 Multi-Parameter Monitoring System - RENTAL