RKI Stand Alone Calibration Station, Series: SDM-2012, 12 VDC, -10 to 40 deg C, Includes: AC Adapter, Flash Drive, USB Cable, Tubing, Installation CD, For Use With: GX-2012 Gas Monitor
Stand alone station (no PC required)
Charging (lithium-ion battery pack)
Save bump test and calibration records
Bump test and calibration records copy to USB jump drive
Includes PC software for viewing/archiving bump test and calibration records
Up to two calibration gas cylinders per bump test or calibration at a time
Short Description - SDM-2012 calibration station,AC adaptor,flash drive,USB cable,tubing,wall chart
Item Name - Stand Alone Calibration Station
Series - SDM-2012
Includes - AC Adapter, Flash Drive, USB Cable, Tubing, Installation CD
Suitable For Use With - GX-2012 Gas Monitor
Temperature Rating - -10 to 40
Voltage Rating - 12
Marketing Description - RKI new SDM-2012 calibration station for the GX-2012 is now available with advanced features for charging, calibration, and bump testing. Once you power up the GX-2012 inside the SDM-2012 calibration module, the GX-2012's display will indicate whether it's transmitting data, bump testing, calibrating, as well as the results of the bump test or calibration.